

Good fit for technical university or college level degree.

Basic programming course that teaches fundamental programming concepts using the Python programming language. The course includes theory and exercises that cover how to use programming concepts.

Available languages:
English English

Course content

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Introduction
    1. Welcome
    2. Theory
    3. Exercise
  • General
    1. The Python Programming Language
    2. Python in Sowiso
  • Syntax
    1. Python Syntax

Chapter 2: Basic Types

  • Booleans
    1. True or False
    2. Procedence and Associativity
  • Numbers
    1. Integers
    2. Floats
    3. Comparisons
    4. Bits & Bytes
  • Strings
    1. Strings
    2. Methods
    3. Formatting
    4. Printing

Chapter 3: Control Flow

  • Conditionals
    1. Conditionals
  • Loops
    1. For loops
    2. While Loops
  • Functions
    1. Function Fundamentals
    2. Playing with Parameters

Chapter 4: Data Structures

  • Lists
    1. Lists
  • Tuples
    1. Tuples
  • Sets
    1. Sets
  • Dictionaries
    1. Dictionaries

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