Sowiso User Day (January 2023)

We strive to simplify educators’ work, so teachers can focus on the interpersonal dimensions of teaching mathematics. Our math learning and testing environment is an award-winning tool thanks to our close collaboration with educators and their insightful ideas.

One of our main goals is maintaining and continuously improving the relationship with our clients. There are multiple contact points with them throughout the year, like our personal yearly evaluation meetings.

This time we wanted to plan an event that would bring together mathematics teachers from different institutions and allow them to connect with colleagues who are also using the Sowiso platform in their math classrooms.

Sowiso User Day, January 2023

This Sowiso User Day was specifically designed for our college teachers (hogescholen docent, in Dutch) who are using our Basic Math course. We decided to make the separation between the college and university educators because we wanted our teachers to be able to share their experiences and thought this would be easier if they came from a similar teaching environment.

The agenda was planned to suit our target group, and we covered the topics and questions we usually receive from our math college teachers. There were four main parts:

Development news from Sowiso

Our CTO, Max, started by explaining the general vision of the Development team:

  • Making the use of the platform easier for teachers;
  • More flexibility for teachers to add their own content to a math course;
  • Making content creation easier for authors.

He then looked back on the biggest features that were developed in the last two years (since our previous user day) and shared some of our future plans.

He also introduced our accessibility improvements, like our new text-to-speech functionality and our exercises for color-blind students. We focus on designing features that meet students’ diverse needs and proficiency levels, boosting their math learning experience and motivation.

Much of this was explained in our blog post, Sowiso 2022: Our year in numbers. We invite you to learn more there if you are interested.

Screenshot of our User Day

New teacher environment

Our Marketing Manager, Hidde, showed the new teacher environment he is working on with our development team. The focus is mainly related to the user experience, with few technical changes. The teacher environment is getting a new look, which will make teachers’ journeys even smoother.

Screenshot new sowiso interface

Screenshot of the new testing dashboard interface

Content news from Sowiso

Our Customer Success Coordinator, Job, went over our new digital learning courses and math exercise types. For example, we have added these exercise types: chemistry exercise, journal and general ledger, and financial statement. These were especially interesting for our teachers who are also creating their own materials on the platform.

Example of a chemistry exercise

Example of a chemistry exercise

Example of a Journal and general ledge exercise

Example of a Journal and general ledge exercise

Example of a Financial statement exercise

Example of a Financial statement exercise

We keep the list of our STEM courses up to date here. We encourage you to let us know if you wish to test out some new material that might be a good fit for your lessons. You can find a wide range of courses like Basic Statistics, Financial Arithmetic, Calculus for Social Sciences, and Python.

Sowiso in practice

The most important part of the User Day for us was this, the moment when we asked our attendees to share their thoughts and feedback. It’s helpful to hear what functionalities teachers like to use and exactly how they use them in their math classes.

Since we shared information about some projects that are still in development, feedback helps us tweak things and move the projects in the right direction.

For example, we presented our new Labeling project, which will make it possible for math teachers to offer similar assignments for areas where the students scored less, give insights into what areas students are struggling with, and make it easier to search through the materials. We heard that our teachers would find this feature very useful, and they would benefit from it when making resit exams (herkansers, in Dutch).

Our Labeling tool

Our Labeling tool

Your feedback

We welcome your feedback, not only during User Days! If you ever want to share your thoughts about the Sowiso math digital platform and courses, please don’t hesitate to write to

Currently, we are especially interested in your thoughts about our Reporting environment. What works well, and what could improve? Let us know!

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